
Prices and Opening Hours of Museums in Cairo and Giza

Publish Date: 29 Jul 2021

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Prices and Opening Hours of Museums in Cairo and Giza

How many museums have you been to?

If you’re looking for a different and unique outing for you or your family then you can’t go wrong with a visit to your local museum. Egypt boasts numerous amazing museums all over the country and Faydety has compiled a list of the top 10 museums to visit this summer.


The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization:


The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization is the newest museum in Egypt and the most popular internationally after the Royal Mummies Golden Parade in April 2021. The museum showcases the history of civilizations in Egypt through many artifacts in addition to the mummies of course. The museum is located in Al-Fustat area near the Complex of Religions and Ain Al Sira.


Opening hours:


Saturday to Thursday from 9 am to 5 pm

Fridays from 9 am to 9 pm


Ticket prices:


  • Egyptian visitors: 60 EGP
  • Egyptian students: 30 EGP
  • Foreigners: 200 EGP
  • Camera ticket: for Egyptians 20 EGP/ for foreigners 50 EGP


The Egyptian Museum in Tahrir:


One of the largest and most famous museums worldwide and is the first Egyptian museum for the collection and display of Ancient Egyptian antiquities. The museum is located between Tahrir Square and Abdel Moneim Riad Square.


The museum boasts a collection of more than 180,000 pieces spanning the  ancient Egyptian civilization


Opening hours:


Saturday to Friday from 9 am to 8 pm


Ticket prices:


  • Egyptians: 30 EGP
  • Egyptian students: 10 EGP
  • Foreigners: 200 EGP
  • Camera ticket: for Egyptians 20 EGP and for foreigners 50 EGP


The Coptic Museum:


The museum is located inside the Fortress of Babylon and is one of the most popular visits within the Complex of Religions area. The museum houses the largest collection of Coptic artifacts worldwide.


Opening hours:


Saturday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm


Ticket prices:


  • Egyptians: 10 EGP
  • Egyptian students: 5 EGP
  • Foreigners: 100 EGP


The Museum of Islamic Arts: 


Located in Bab Al Khalk the museum is one of the largest museums of Islamic arts and boasts an extensive collection of Islamic artifacts, possibly the largest in the world.


Opening hours:


Saturday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm


Ticket prices:


Egyptians: 20 EGP

Egyptian students: five EGP

Foreigners: 150 EGP


“Aisha Fahmy Palace is free to visit for all nationalities and age groups “


The Royal Carriage Museum:


Located in Boulaq, the museum is the fourth of its kind in the world.


Opening hours:


Saturday to Friday from 9 am to 1 pm and from 5 pm to 9 pm


Ticket prices:


Egyptians: 20 EGP

Egyptian students: 5 EGP

Foreigners: 150 EGP


The Egyptian Agricultural Museum:


Located in Dokki the agricultural museum is considered the first of its kind in the world. The museum is made up of seven separate museums and a huge garden.


Opening hours:

Saturday to Friday from 9 am to 2 pm


Ticket prices:

Egyptians: 5 EGP


The Egyptian Postal Museum:

Located in the famous Central Post Office in Attaba Square.


Opening hours:

Saturday to Friday from 9 am to 2 pm


Ticket prices:

Egyptians: 5 EGP


Mohamed Mahmoud Khalil Museum:

Located in Giza the museum closed down after the infamous poppy flower painting incident in 2010 and reopened in 2021 to the public. 


Opening hours:

Saturday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm


Ticket prices:

Egyptians: 30 EGP

Egyptian students: 10 EGP


Gayer Anderson Museum:


Also known as “Bayt al-Kritliya” (literally: house owned by the woman from Crete) the museum is located near Ibn Tulun mosque in El Sayeda Zeinab.


The museum is housed in one of the most beautiful ancient houses in Egypt. It is made up of two neighboring houses connected by an inner pathway. The museum is filled with the belongings of its last occupant who was an English Officer called Gayer Anderson whose hobby was to collect antiques.


Opening hours:

Saturday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm


Ticket prices:

Egyptians: 10 EGP

Egyptian students: 5 EGP

Foreigners: 65 EGP

Camera ticket: 50 EGP


Aisha Fahmy Palace:

The most well-known Palace in Zamalek, it was built in 1907. The palace was closed for years and reopened in 2017 after being renovated. The palace plays host to different art exhibits and it also boasts a magnificent view of the Nile especially at night.


Opening hours:

Saturday to Friday from 9 am to 9 pm


Ticket price:


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