

Compare & get the best car insurance plan to safeguard your car

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What is Car Insurance?

It is a type of insurance that protects your car in case of an accident such as:

  • Collision or rollover due to an accident.
  • Theft or burglary.
  • Fire
  • A premeditated act by a third party if they are not in the employment of the insured party.
  • A premeditated act by a third party that causes damages to the car.

A car insurance policy has the following coverages:

  1. The car insurance company either pays part of or the total amount required for the repairs.
  2. Coverage against theft.
  3. Coverage against fire.

It can also include the following benefits:

  1. The car insurance company offers an alternate method of transportation until the insured car is fixed.
  2. The car insurance company offers Road Assist services in case an accident takes place, or the car breaks down.
  3. Third-party liability coverage covers Injury to a third party such as a passenger or someone in another car involved in the same traffic accident (There usually is a payment ceiling).

Examples of car accidents:

  • Collision with another car.
  • Theft or attempted theft.

There are 2 types of Car Insurance in Egypt:

  1. Supplementary Car Insurance Policy: this is a policy offered by all car insurance companies, and it provides comprehensive coverage (comprehensive car insurance)
  2. Compulsory Car Insurance Policy: implemented in Egypt in 2007 by the Government, it is compulsory for every person who obtains or renews a car’s license to purchase a policy from the various insurance companies’ kiosks located within each local Department of Motor Vehicles. This type of car insurance covers damage done to the second party in a car accident, but the insured party must be the one who caused the damage/traffic accident and not another person such as a driver for example. This car insurance policy is considered one of the most important documents when applying for a car license. 

What information and documents do you need to acquire a car insurance policy?

  • Car information:
    1. Car brand.
    2. Car model.
    3. Year of production.
    4. The estimated value of the car.
  • Documents:
    1. Car license or Traffic Authority Letter
    2. Drivers license
    3. Car owner’s age and National ID

How to choose the best car insurance policy for you?

  1. Enter all the required information into the Faydety Insurance Brokerage search fields
  2. Compare between the different offers of the Insurance Companies
  3. Make sure you don’t only look at the prices but understand all the benefits offered like:
    1. Amount deductible from the coverage value
    2. Whether your car is covered within the Insurance Companies network (i.e. do you pay and claim or does the Insurance Company pay directly)
    3. Administrative fees
    4. Roadside assistance
    5. Personal Liability coverage towards third parties

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