
How To: Handle Surprises While Driving in Fog or Rain

Publish Date: 02 Feb 2022

Money Tips

How To: Handle Surprises While Driving in Fog or Rain

Don’t use your hazard lights while driving in fog or rain.

We’ve all been there, running out of gas and driving in rain, fog or an unfamiliar area which is why we should always be as prepared as possible for these situations so that we can at least make it to the next gas or service station before we run out of gas.


Running out of gas in the middle of nowhere?


  1. Always make sure your tank is at least half full. Don’t drive with a tank that’s almost empty so that you don’t find yourself in a pickle.
  2. Use Google maps to find the nearest gas station.
  3. Keep your foot on the gas pedal. It will give you more driving time till you reach the nearest gas station.


Be careful when driving in winter, & check out our article 6 Tips & Tricks for Driving in Winter


Dos and Don’ts for driving in fog


  1. Don’t: use your high beams because the light will reflect back at you on the tiny water droplets in the air and you won’t be able to see properly to the point where you may get into an accident.
  2. Do: use your fog lights. These are special headlights where the light is directed low and down so that you can see better.
  3. Don’t: turn on your hazard lights the whole time you’re driving in fog. This will only cause the other drivers to become anxious as they will be on the lookout for an obstruction on the road.
  4. Do: turn on your hazard lights when you see an obstacle on the road such as a pothole, a speedbump, etc.
  5. Don’t: stop your car in the middle of the road. You never know how fast the car behind you is going or if they can even see you and stop in time.
  6. Don’t: drive fast. Slow down as the roads may be wet and your brakes will not function as efficiently due to the low friction. Fog will also cause low visibility.


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