Publish Date: 21 Dec 2020 Finance101
A lot of the time, individuals put undue pressure on themselves to save money to buy things that, in the end, if you come to think about it, are unnecessary. Do they really need all these things? It is important to consider if it is truly a need or simply a want.
This desire to have it all may be due to societal pressures; feeling the need to fit in by doing as others do for instance. Over time, this becomes a burden and may cause unwarranted financial or psychological stress on us.
To counteract this, the concept of minimalism was born and is now considered a way of life for many.
Simply put, it is the art of intentionally living with less and removing the distraction of excess possessions to focus more on those things you really need and that matter most.
Minimalism is the art of intentionally living with less and removing the distraction of excess possessions to focus more on those things you really need.
Savings: When you are truly aware of exactly what you need, can budget accordingly, and are not easily distracted by unnecessary things, this will undoubtedly save you a lot of money.
Peace of Mind: After taking on the minimalistic approach in your daily life, you will gradually notice a reduction of stress and tension as the ‘crowding’ in your life begins to decrease, so to speak. This is because you have now chosen to focus solely on the things that add positivity to your life and lead you to a higher level of inner peace. The fewer things you have to worry about, the more peace you have. It’s that simple.
Increase Focus and Stimulate Creativity: This is all about de-cluttering your life and focusing on your priorities. By maintaining a clutter-free environment in your home, mind, and life as a whole, you can increase your overall focus and productivity, thereby reducing stress.
More Freedom: The accumulation of stuff ties us down, much like an anchor. We are constantly frightened of losing it, and this creates unnecessary anxiety. Let it go, and you will experience a freedom unlike any other: freedom from self-indulgence, obsession, and overthinking.
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