
What’s Next for Elon Musk After Twitter Acquisition?

Publish Date: 28 Apr 2022

Finance Today

What’s Next for Elon Musk After Twitter Acquisition?

No one knows what Elon Musk will think of next

Recently Elon Musk reached an agreement with Twitter’s board of directors to buy the platform for 44 billion dollars (54.20 USD per share). This makes Musk not only Tesla’s CEO, major shareholder and the richest man on Earth but also Twitter’s new owner.


Elon Musk: What Will He Change After Buying Twitter for 44 Billion Dollars?




 Musk tweeted that he wants to buy Coca-Cola, however he did phrase it as a joke saying he will buy “Coca-Cola to out the cocaine back in”. this tweet attracted a lot of attention and prompted his followers to suggest he also buy TikTok and McDonald’s. 


Elon Musk loves jokes


                Musk was probably making a joke about Coca-Cola (cocaine is an illegal substance after all). After his Coca-Cola tweet he also tweeted “let’s make twitter maximum fun”. 

But no one really knows how Tesla’s CEO mind works. We just have to wait and see what else he can come up with.


                Follow Elon Musk on Twitter.

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