
The Electronic Label: Fines, Required Paperwork, and Prices.

Publish Date: 10 Apr 2022

Finance Today

The Electronic Label: Fines, Required Paperwork, and Prices.

Know the fine for not installing the electronic label

At the end of 2021 the Ministry of Interior enacted fines for not having the electronic label which was implemented in the Traffic Law of September 2021. The ministry urged car owners to head to their designated traffic units to get the electronic label and apply it.

Faydety is here today to tell you all about the electronic label from the price, to the documents needed to buy it so that you don’t end up paying unnecessary fines.


Prices of the Electronic Label: 


Total fee: 95 EGP

                Electronic label cost: 75 EGP

                License fee: 20 EGP


Conditions for obtaining the label and the required documentation:


Valid car license


The car must be present at premise so that the label can be applied by the appropriate personnel

Copy of the national ID and license.

You do not need to wait until the license renewal date to apply for the label as it is irrelevant. All car owners must head as soon as possible to their designated traffic units to get the label.

How to apply online for the electronic label?

The Ministry of Interior has made available the online service for all car owners with a valid license. The online service includes applying for the label as well as the online payment. The service is available through the Egyptian Traffic Portal.

Car owners must submit their old licenses in order to obtain a new license indicating the presence of the electronic label. The electronic label must be applied by the responsible personnel at the traffic unit once it is received by the car owner.


To apply for the electronic label online:


Register through the Ministry of Interior’s online portal or the Egyptian Traffic Portal.

Next, select “vehicle services”

Select “electronic label payment service”

Pay the requested amount online


What are the fines for not having the label?


The license will be revoked between 1-3 months.

Jail time for no more than 6 months.

Monetary fine between 300-1500 EGP.

According to the traffic laws you may be subject to one of the two penalties: jail time or a fine.

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