Publish Date: 19 Oct 2022 Finance Today
A recent law waiving car customs for Egyptian expats was announced but there are still many questions about the laws and how much if any taxes will be paid so join us as we find the answers.
According to Dr. Magdy Abdel Aziz, former advisor to the minister of finance for customs affairs on Tuesday 18th of October 2022 for “Happening in Egypt” program on MBC Masr here is the breakdown:
More on customs, exempted cars for expatriates here.
Check out our article on prices of handicap cars after customs removal in 2022
Compare and find the best car insurance here
The Ministry of finance’s website has a detailed table for each category where you will be able to find which category your car falls under. Registration is very easy.
If the car is of European origin the customs fee will be waived but the VAT, schedule tax, and development fee will remain.
Check out this video for more information
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