Publish Date: 12 Dec 2021 Compare & Contrast
When choosing an insurance company there are several criteria that they should meet before you sign the paperwork:
In order not to increase the cost of insurance, the size of the premium and the price, pay attention, it is necessary to determine the accuracy of the risks
Not really. The most important factor when choosing an insurance company is the end result and there are Egyptians working in all insurance companies.
If you don’t want your insurance premium and policy price to be unnecessarily high you must be specific about the dangers/risks you are insuring against. Also make sure to go over the technicalities, not just the prices.
Faydety Insurance Brokerage
The Financial Regulatory Authority Registration Number: 105
Contact And Complaints : 01024209163 / 01063404003
Claims : 01063140400
Email : [email protected]
If you are unsatisfied with our services, you are entitled to issue a complaint with the Egyptian Financial Regulatory Authority (FRA) in person or online through their website
Faydety insurance brokerage website is approved by the FRA on 01/09/2021